Gu Syndrome – Theory and Application in Modern Clinic

Gu Syndrome – Theory and Application in Modern Clinic


2 hours
2 CPD points

This webinar is for TCM practitioners who want to get to the bottom of some of their trickiest cases in clinic.

Gu syndrome describes what happens to a patient when it seems they have been cursed by black magic. Like a hidden entity that doesn’t show it’s true nature, it’s a difficult pathogenic qi to expel, with it’s clever techniques of beating our medicines, Gu syndrome can seem to outmanoeuvre our usually effective treatments at every turn.

First described in texts hundreds of years ago, Gu syndrome has been identified as a very particular type of pathogenic qi that can be successfully treated with a very particular type of clinical approach. Herbal formula construction that simultaneously addresses multiple qi dynamics, specific acupuncture points that have an anti-gu effect, even qi gong exercises and meditation practices can help your patients get free of their curse.

Based on the teachings of Heiner Fruehauf, and extended with Clare’s direct clinical experience of how to supercharge this treatment approach even further with Integrative approach, this webinar will leave you well equipped to get better outcomes for some of your trickiest patients.

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