The Unique Nutrients in Milk: What You Won’t Find in Plant-Based Alternatives

For centuries, milk has been recognized as a nutritional powerhouse, offering a complex mix of essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and bioactive compounds. However the natural medicine industry has called this into question in the past several decades, citing several reasons why people shouldn’t be consuming animal based dairy products, and noting that the nutrition from cow’s milk can be obtained elsewhere in a balanced diet.

While many plant-based alternatives attempt to mimic the nutrient profile of dairy milk, they often fall short in providing key components that are naturally abundant in cow’s milk. In this article, we’ll explore the unique compounds found in milk, their health benefits, and whether they can be sourced elsewhere in the diet.

What Makes Milk Nutritionally Unique?

Milk contains a variety of bioactive proteins, immune-boosting compounds, and highly bioavailable minerals that support growth, gut health, and immune function. Some of these nutrients are either absent in plant-based milks or significantly lower in concentration.

Key Nutrients Found in Milk and Their Functions

1. Lactoferrin

  • A powerful protein that supports immune function, iron absorption, and antimicrobial defense.

  • Important research is investigating the role of lactoferrin in suppressing breast cancer.(1, 2, 3) and other types of cancer including colorectal cancer (4) gliomas and prostate cancer (5).

  • Found in: Cow’s milk, human breast milk (but not in plant-based alternatives).

  • Other food sources: Trace amounts in eggs and meat.

2. Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM)

  • A special lipid-protein complex that plays a role in brain development (6), gut health (7), and cognitive function (8, 9).

  • Found in: Whole milk and dairy products.

  • Other food sources: Some eggs contain small amounts, but plant-based milks do not.

3. Beta-Lactoglobulin (BLG) and Alpha-Lactalbumin

  • BLG aids in vitamin transport (10) and immune modulation (11) (not found in human milk).

  • Alpha-lactalbumin is essential for lactose synthesis and infant nutrition.

  • Found in: Cow’s milk, human milk (for alpha-lactalbumin), but absent in plant-based milks.

4. Casein Phosphopeptides (CPPs)

  • Enhances calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus absorption.

  • Found in: Cow’s milk, particularly in cheese.

  • Other food sources: Very limited in non-dairy foods.

5. Bovine Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM)

  • These antibodies help support immune function and gut health.

  • Found in: Cow’s milk and colostrum.

  • Other food sources: Not found in plant-based milk.

6. Milk Oligosaccharides (BMOs, HMOs)

  • Prebiotic compounds that feed beneficial gut bacteria.

  • Found in: Human breast milk and cow’s milk.

  • Other food sources: Not present in significant amounts in other foods.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals in Milk

While plant-based milks are often fortified with vitamins and minerals, cow’s milk contains them in more bioavailable forms due to the presence of these compounds.

Nutrient Amount in 300ml Milk Other Food Sources

Calcium 360 mg Leafy greens, fish

Phosphorus 270 mg Meat, nuts, fish

Zinc 1mg Meat, shellfish, legumes, seeds

Iodine 83 µg Seaweed, sea salt, fish

Magnesium 30 mg Nuts, wholegrains, vegetables, fruit

Potassium 366 mg Meat, fish, vegetables, fruit

Riboflavin (B2) 1.3 mg Eggs, leafy greens

Vitamin B12 1.2 µg Meat, fish, eggs

Vitamin D 93IU Fish

Conjugated Linoleic Acid 0.2-0.3 g Grass-fed meat, dairy


Can Plant-Based Milks Replace These Nutrients?

Plant-based milks (such as almond, soy, oat, and coconut milk) are often fortified with vitamins and minerals, but they lack the bioactive compounds naturally present in cow’s milk. Here’s how they compare:

  • Protein Content: While soy milk contains some complete proteins, most plant-based options lack the full amino acid profile of dairy.

  • Calcium Absorption: While fortified plant-based milks may contain added calcium, its absorption may not be as efficient as the naturally occurring calcium in milk.

  • Prebiotic and Immune Benefits: Milk oligosaccharides, lactoferrin, and immunoglobulins are unique to dairy and are not replicated in plant-based alternatives.

For those who need to avoid dairy due to an intolerance, allergy or dietary preference, closer attention needs to be paid to ensure all the macro and micronutrients in dairy products are being replaced elsewhere in your diet. A calcium supplement is recommended, due to the prohibitively large portion sizes of non-dairy based sources of calcium.


While plant-based alternatives can be a good option for those with dairy allergies or dietary restrictions, they do not provide the same range of bioactive compounds, immune-boosting proteins, and highly bioavailable minerals as milk. If you are reducing or avoiding dairy intake, consider supplementing with alternative sources of calcium, vitamin B12, and essential fatty acids to ensure balanced nutrition.


  1. Immunoexpression of lactoferrin in triple-negative breast cancer patients: A proposal to select a less aggressive subgroup. Ieni et al. Oncology Letters. May-2017 Volume 13 Issue 5

  2. Lactoferrin selectively triggers apoptosis in highly metastatic breast cancer cells through inhibition of plasmalemmal V-H+-ATPase. Pereira et al. Oncotarget. 2016 Aug 19;7(38):62144–62158

  3. Lactoferrin–Endothelin-1 Axis Contributes to the Development and Invasiveness of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Phenotypes. Ha et al. Tumor and Stem Cell Biology. 1 December 2011. Volume 71, Issue 23

  4. Lactoferrin: A Nutraceutical with Activity against Colorectal Cancer. Ramierez-Rico et al. Fronteirs in Pharmacology. 21 February 2022 Volume 13 - 2022.

  5. Bovine Milk Lactoferrin Selectively Kills Highly Metastatic Prostate Cancer PC-3 and Osteosarcoma MG-63 Cells In Vitro. JP Guedes et al. Frontiers in Oncology, 4 June 2018.

  6. Improved Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 5.5 Years of Age in Children Who Received Bovine Milk Fat Globule Membrane and Lactoferrin in Infant Formula Through 12 Months: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of pediatrics. Oct 2023

  7. Improving Human Health with Milk Fat Globule Membrane, Lactic Acid Bacteria, and Bifidobacteria. Kosmerl et al. 2021 Feb 9;9(2):341.

  8. Improvement of Spatial Memory and Cognitive Function in Mice via the Intervention of Milk Fat Globule Membrane. Nutrients.2023 Jan 19;15(3):534

  9. Milk Fat Globule Membranes for Mental Health across the Human Lifespan. Slykerman et al. Foods.2024 May 24;13(11):1631

  10. Intestinal uptake of retinol: enhancement by bovine milk beta-lactoglobulin. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 49, Issue 4. p690-694 April 1989

  11. The extended farm effect: The milk protein β-lactoglobulin in stable dust protects against allergies. Allergol Select .2022 Mar 29:6:111-117

Clare Pyers