The Dangers Of The Pill

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Many young women start taking hormonal contraception to help control their acne, or to manage heavy or irregular periods.

New research shows hormonal contraceptives increase a young woman’s risk of suicide attempt by up to three times.

Thankfully, hormonal acne and period irregularities can be addressed in other ways. Young women don’t need to feel like hormonal contraception is the only answer to their acne or period problems.

I’ve been working with women for over 15 years to help them balance their hormones and get free from hormonal symptoms. There are quite a few things that we know can support healthy hormonal balance including regulating your sleep patterns, managing your stress levels, eating hormone supporting foods and avoiding foods that hijack your hormones, reducing exposure to toxic environmental estrogens.

It can be an overwhelming amount of information to take in and implement, but easy to do when you are guided through the process by an experienced practitioner.

Clare Pyers