Gall Bladder Flush


What is the gall bladder?

The gall bladder is a small organ in your abdomen, it sits just underneath the bottom of your ribs on the right side of your body. Its primary function is to store the bile made by your liver, and to release it when you eat a meal rich in fat. The primary function of bile is to help us to digest fat.

what can go wrong with the gall bladder?

Occasionally the bile that collects in the gall bladder can congeal, and form sludge, and sometimes “gall stones”. These can stay undetected within the gall bladder for a long time, many people have them and don’t know they are there. The people who are most at risk of problems with their gall bladder are women in their 40s. These women will often notice a flare up in symptoms in the days/week leading up to their menstrual cycle.

Occasionally under the influence of inflammation and stress within the body, the gall bladder can become painful - and it is often at these times when a person’s gall stones will be detected. One of the main risks is that a gall stone can become lodged in the neck of the gall bladder, leading to risk of the gall bladder rupturing. These are severe medical scenarios that are best addressed by a trip to the emergency room at your nearest hospital. Gall bladder removal is a very common surgical procedure. However - it is sometimes possible to take preventative action before this drastic surgery is required. If you are trying to save your gall bladder - read on.

Natural treatment options

The popular gall bladder flush is a very widely talked about approach to cleansing the gall bladder. It involves eating a light diet in the days leading up, taking preparatory herbal medicines to prepare the body and soften any stones, and then having a very large oral dose of olive oil and epsom salts at bedtime. People often report intense stomach cramping and nausea, extremely loose bowel motions, nausea, poor sleep. The next day there is significant evacuation of the bowels and the whole digestive system, and it is advised to stay at home and take it easy as your digestive system recovers from the intensity. The hundreds of little “stones” that people report seeing in the toilet are predominantly bile mixed with the olive oil that was ingested the night before. People sometimes report great feelings of relief, some people notice no change, some people end up with gall stones getting stuck and needing a visit to the emergency room for gall bladder surgery.

I didn’t like the risk profile of the popular gall bladder flush for my patients, I like to keep my patients safe and do things that make sense to me. But I did see the benefits to certain people of doing a gall bladder cleanse, so I came up with a better way of doing it.

who is the gall bladder cleanse for?

My basic gall bladder protocol that can be used for anyone with stones, sludge or an otherwise unhappy gall bladder, without having to drink olive oil and epsom salts and spend 24 hours next to a toilet.

Can be used to help:

- hormonal imbalance especially in women in their 40’s

- regular blood sugar

- support digestion of fats

- clear sludge/stones/"blockage" from gall bladder

- leaky gut

- abnormal liver function

what is involved?

This is a 4 week program that doesn’t require you to take time off work, or deal with explosive bowel movements.

Malic acid: I recommend Source Naturals Magnesium Malate. Get the large bottle and continue to take 2-3 with each meal until it’s finished.

Stage 1 herbal formula: Alchemy Spring Clean formula.

Stage 2 herbal formula: Wen dan tang. This can be taken for another couple of months if extra support for the gall bladder is needed.

Digestive enzymes containing synthetic ox bile: I recommend Thorne BioGest

Eating a low reactive paleo diet - excluding grains, nuts, seeds and legumes to reduce inflammation and reactivity in your digestive system. Make sure to replace your carbohydrate needs with fruit and starchy vegetables.

Acupuncture can be helpful for people who have pain or discomfort, or who are wanting to get quicker, better results. There is a reactive point on the side of the shin on your right leg that can indicate possible congestion in your gall bladder. If you see an acupuncturist they can check this point for you to test if your gall bladder meridian is blocked. By the end of this 4 week program the reactivity of the gall bladder point on your leg will be reduced.

This program can help to improve the overall function of your digestive system, reduce bloating, assist with weight loss by supporting liver function and helping regulate blood sugar levels. If you know that you have stones in your gall bladder or if you are experiencing strong pain, please work alongside your health professionals when embarking on this program.

Clare Pyers